Why I Created this Blog

Hello there everyone! My name is Michael Engstrom! I love Johann Sebastian Bach! Bach has been a very important part of my life ever since I listened and played his music from a very young age. Although I am only sixteen now, I have felt inspired to put my two cents about Bach's music out in public. Bach is a never ending discussion, as his music transcends all time and eras. There is just so much to discover and unpack! In this blog, I will write about my discoveries in his music, regarding music theory, theology, auditory aesthetics, translations, art, history, and ramblings. I hope and pray that anyone reading any of my ruminations will benefit from them and discover the relevance of The Joy of Bach in their own life and journey. 

"The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul"

-J.S. Bach
